2  Dataset

This chapter outlines the two data sources and the steps to organize and create a tidy dataset for our analysis. We focus on two open inventory data from eastern North America: the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) dataset in the United States (O’Connell et al. 2007) and the Forest Inventory of Québec (Ministere des Ressources Naturelles 2016). From the FIA dataset, we utilized information collected from 37 states out of the total 50: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

At the plot level, we retained plots sampled at least twice, excluding those that had undergone harvesting to focus solely on natural dynamics. Specifically, we selected surveys conducted for the FIA dataset using the modern standardized methodology implemented since 1999. After applying these filters, our final dataset encompassed nearly 26,000 plots spanning a latitude range from 26° to 53° (Figure 2.1). Each plot within the dataset was measured between 1970 and 2021, with observation frequencies ranging from 2 to 7 times and an average of 3 measurements per plot. The time intervals between measurements varied from 1 to 40 years, with a median interval of 7 years (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1: Spatial (top left) and temporal (top right) coverage of the dataset incorporating data from the USA and Quebec. The top right panel shows the distribution of observations per class of latitude for the 31 species used in this study.

These datasets provide individual-level information on the diameter at breast height (dbh) and the status (dead or alive) of more than 200 species. From this pool, we selected the 31 most abundant species (Table 2.1). This selection comprises 9 conifer species and 21 hardwood species. We ensured an even distribution of species across the continuous shade tolerance trait, with 3 species classified as very intolerant, 9 as intolerant, 8 as intermediate, 8 as tolerant, and 5 as very tolerant (Burns, Honkala, et al. 1990). While our analysis focuses on these 31 selected species, we retained the data for the remaining species for potential future exploration and analysis. We initially included the Ostrya virginiana species in our analysis; however, we encountered substantial challenges with several growth, survival, and recruitment parameters, with substantial confidence intervals. As a result, we decided to remove this species from our analysis, even though the fit files are still accessible for potential future investigations.

Table 2.1: List of species and their frequency across the dataset.
Species Species ID Number of plots Number of individual Number of observation

Acer rubrum

28728ACERUB 13149 96739 235408

Abies balsamea

18032ABIBAL 11932 247737 521565

Betula papyrifera

19489BETPAP 9508 78049 203500

Picea mariana

183302PICMAR 7869 186491 454246

Acer saccharum

28731ACESAC 7403 71961 184641

Picea glauca

183295PICGLA 5889 27641 65626

Populus tremuloides

195773POPTRE 5876 56010 127115

Betula alleghaniensis

19481BETALL 5624 28872 73116

Quercus rubra

19408QUERUB 4549 18272 46341

Quercus alba

19290QUEALB 4200 20376 51466

Fagus grandifolia

19462FAGGRA 3819 21784 51764

Prunus serotina

24764PRUSER 3730 12178 26464

Thuja occidentalis

505490THUOCC 3230 51312 125811

Pinus strobus

183385PINSTR 3165 15638 38470

Fraxinus americana

32931FRAAME 2885 8942 21501

Quercus velutina

19447QUEVEL 2722 10068 23298

Tsuga canadensis

183397TSUCAN 2604 17914 45198

Nyssa sylvatica

27821NYSSYL 2436 6275 15785

Quercus stellata

19422QUESTE 2279 14707 32102

Picea rubens

18034PICRUB 2190 16580 41674

Liquidambar styraciflua

19027LIQSTY 2154 11655 29671

Fraxinus pennsylvanica

32929FRAPEN 2149 9048 20588

Tilia americana

21536TILAME 2059 8415 21412

Pinus banksiana

183319PINBAN 2057 34122 75372

Populus grandidentata

22463POPGRA 2015 13759 29358

Fraxinus nigra

32945FRANIG 1951 12633 31156

Liriodendron tulipifera

18086LIRTUL 1912 8580 21071

Carya tomentosa

NACARALB 1636 3897 10590

Carya glabra

19231CARGLA 1622 4002 9916

Quercus prinus

NAQUEPRI 1590 11000 27554

Juniperus virginiana

18048JUNVIR 1571 9474 21400


Competition index

To assess competition effects, we calculated the basal area (BA) of living individuals for each species-plot-year combination based on the dbh of each \(i\). We first calculated individual BA in \(m^2\) as follows:

\[ BA^{ind}_i = \pi * (\frac{dbh_i}{2 * 1000})^2 \]

where the dbh is measured in millimeters. For a given plot \(j\), the total plot basal area in square meters per hectare (\(m^2 ha^{-1}\)) is defined as:

\[ BA^{plot}_j = \sum_i^{n_j}{BA^{ind}_i} \times \frac{10000}{plot~area_j} \]

To compute the basal area of larger individuals (BAL), we summed the total basal area of individuals whose dbh exceeded that of the focal individual \(i\) (\(n_j > BA_i\)):

\[ BAL^{plot}_{ij} = \sum_i^{n_j > BA_i}{BA^{ind}_i} \times \frac{10000}{plot~area_j} \]

Note that BAL is now specific to the plot (\(j\)) and the individual (\(i\)).


We obtained the 19 bioclimatic variables with a 10 \(km^2\) (300 arcsec) resolution grid, covering the period from 1970 to 2018. These climate variables were modeled using the ANUSPLIN interpolation method (McKenney et al. 2011). We used the plot’s longitude and latitude coordinates to extract the mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP). To incorporate the climate covariates in the dataset, we used each plot’s latitude and longitude coordinates to extract the mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP). In cases where plots did not fall within a valid pixel of the climate variable grid, we interpolated the climate condition using the eight neighboring cells. Due to the transitional nature of the dataset, we considered both the average and standard deviation of MAT and MAP over the years within each time interval. This approach allows us to account for climate’s averaged and temporal variability effects on tree demography. Finally, we normalized MAT and MAP within the 0 and 1 range, facilitating comparisons of optimal climate conditions and climate breadth among species.

R objects

All the scripts for dataset preparation are available at https://github.com/willvieira/TreesDemography within the R folder. These scripts detail the complete process of downloading, cleaning, and merging the data, resulting in the final datasets used in our study. Metadata associated with each script is described in Table Table 2.2.

  • treeData.RDS: This file contains the complete dataset in a tidy format, with one observation per row.

From the treeData.RDS dataset, we derived four additional datasets, each representing the transition between time \(t\) and time $t + t`:

  • growth_dt.RDS: Contains growth rate information between time \(t\) and \(t + \Delta t\).
  • status_dt.RDS: Contains individuals’ status (alive or dead) at both time \(t\) and time \(t + \Delta t\).
  • fec_dt.RDS: Contains ingrowth rate (number of individuals entering the population at 127 mm) between time \(t\) and \(t + \Delta t\).
  • sizeIngrowth_dt.RDS: Contains the size distribution of all individuals that entered the population for each remeasurement.

You can access all the data objects mentioned in the ownCloud folder via this link: doc.ielab.usherbrooke.ca/s/83YSAiLAGeLm682. In addition to the data objects, this folder contains three extra files:

  • climate_scaleRange.RDS contains the maximum and minimum values required to scale the climate covariates.
  • db_metadata.csv contains the csv description used in the table below.
  • species_id.csv contains species descriptions and additional traits used in the analysis.
Table 2.2: Description of metadata for each variable linked to its corresponding dataset object (R object). Note that replicated variables shared among the R objects have been excluded. Consequently, there is no detailed description for the sizeIngrowth_dt dataset.
R object Variable Description
treeData plot_id plot ID
treeData longitude longitude crs(4326)
treeData latitude latitude crs(4326)
treeData plot_size size of plot in m2
treeData BA_plot total plot basal area of alive individuals (m2/ha)
treeData BA_comp plot basal area of larger individuals (m2/ha)
treeData relativeBA_comp deprecated
treeData s_star the height in which the canopy closes (meters)
treeData db_origin if FIA or Quebec
treeData bio_01_mean mean of mean annual temperature for the years within the time interval
treeData bio_12_mean standard deviation of mean annual temperature for the years within the time interval
treeData bio_01_sd same as bi_01_mean, but for mean annual precipitation climate variable
treeData bio_12_sd same as bio_01_sd, but for mean annual precipitation climate variable
treeData climate_cellID the climate cell ID in which the plot climate variables were extracted (similar between MAT and MAP
treeData tree_id the unique ID for an individuala tree
treeData species_id species unique ID following the`species_id.csv` metadata file
treeData status 0 = dead; 1 = alive
treeData year_measured year of field measurement
treeData dbh diameter at breast height of the individual tree (milimiters)
treeData height height of the individiual tree (meters)
treeData canopyDistance difference between `height` and `s_star` meaning how far the individual is from the canopy close
treeData BA_sp total plot basal area of conspecific individuals (m2/ha)
treeData BA_inter total plot basal area of heterospecific individuals (m2/ha)
treeData BA_comp_sp total plot basal area of larger conspecific individuals (m2/ha)
treeData BA_comp_inter total plot basal area of larger heterospecific individuals (m2/ha)
treeData relativeBA_sp deprecated
treeData bio_01_mean_scl mean annual temperature normalized between 0 and 1
treeData bio_12_mean_scl mean annual precipitation normalized between 0 and 1
growth_dt year0 initial year of reference for the time interval
growth_dt year1 final year of reference for the time interval
growth_dt deltaYear year1 - year0
growth_dt dbh0 diameter at breast height (mm) at year0
growth_dt dbh1 diameter at breast height (mm) at year1
growth_dt deltaDbh dbh1 - dbh0
growth_dt growth annual growth rate (mm/year) [(dbh1 - dbh0)/deltaYear]
mort_dt mort alive (0) or dead (1) event between year0 and year1
fec_dt nbRecruit number of ingrowth (127 mm) betweem year0 and year1
fec_dt nbSapling sampling counts (note difference in protocols between FIA and Quebec)
fec_dt nbSeedling seedling counts (note difference in protocols between FIA and Quebec)
fec_dt deltaYear_plot year1 - year0
fec_dt plotSize_seedling size of plot (m2) for seedling count
fec_dt plotSize_sapling size of plot (m2) for sapling count
fec_dt BA_adult similar to BA_plot
fec_dt BA_adult_sp similar to BA_sp
fec_dt relativeBA_adult_sp deprecated