

  • Environment scaled (link v1.0)

  • Bernoulli vectorized (link v2.0)

  • Growth rate effect (link v3.0, link v3.1)

  • Canopy continuous (link v4.0)

  • Basal area (link v5.0)

  • Constrained parameters (link v6.0)

  • Competition (canopy distance vs basal area - (link v7.0)

  • Plot random effects on baseline longevity (psi) - (link v8.0)

  • Year random effects on baseline longevity (psi) - (link v8.0)

  • Mortality with plot random effects. This is the new version for mortality model in cmdstanr (link v10.0)

  • Plot and individual random effect (link v11.0)

  • Plot and year random effect (link v12.0)

  • Plot random effect - size fixed effect (link v13.0)

  • Plot random effect - plot total basal area fixed effect (link v14.0)

  • Plot random effect - basal area competition (BA of individuals larger than the focus ind, splited between conspecific and heterospecific species) fixed effect (link v14.1)

  • Plot random effect - mean annual temperature fixed effect (link v15.0)

  • Plot random effect - mean annual precipitation fixed effect (link v16.0)

  • Plot random effect - Size and basal area competition fixed effects (link v17.0)

  • plot random effect - Size, basal area competition, temperature and precipitation fixed effects (link v17.1)

  • Plot and year random effects - Size and basal area competition fixed effects (link v18.0)

  • plot and year random effects - Size, basal area competition, temperature, and precipitation fixed effects (link v18.1)


  • Competition (canopy distance vs basal area - (link v1.0)

  • Competition (different parameters set - (link v2.0)

  • Competition function (linear vs half-normal function - (link v3.0)

  • Competition function as a function of both Basal area and canopyDistance (link v4.0)

  • Competition function as a function of both Basal area and canopyDistance (link v5.0)

  • Random effect on the baseline growth rate (pdg) (link v6.0)

  • Canopy distance vs basal area with random effect (link v7.0)

  • Canopy distance with different parameters set (link v8.0)

  • Canopy distance with different parameters set and new dataset (link v8.1)

  • Canopy distance with 3 parameters vs basal area (link v9.0)

  • Von Bertalanffy intercept model with parametric starting size (link v10.0)

  • Von Bertalanffy intercept model with data starting size (link v11.0)

  • Von Bertalanffy intercept model with measurement error in starting size (link v12.0)

  • Von Bertalanffy intercept model with data starting size and plot random effects on r (link v13.0)

  • Von Bertalanffy model with basal area fixed effect and plot random effects on r (link v14.0)

  • Von Bertalanffy model with basal area fixed effect (sigmoid function instead of exponential) and plot random effects on r (link v15.0)

  • Von Bertalanffy model v14.0 but using previous measurement as starting size (link v16.0)

  • Von Bertalanffy model v16.0 but using the RESEF dataset (link v16.1)

  • Von Bertalanffy model v16.0 with plot + individual random effects (link v17.0)

  • Von Bertalanffy model v16.1 with plot + individual random effects and no fixed effects (link v17.1)

  • Von Bertalanffy model v17.0 with r varying in function of basal area and mean annual temperature (link v18.0)

  • Von Bertalanffy model v18.0 with basal area, mean annual temperature, and mean annual precipitation effect (link v19.0)

  • Vanderwel version 19.0 with new dataset (link v20.0)

  • Von Bertalanffy model v21.0 with basal area, mean annual temperature, and mean annual precipitation fixed effects, and plot and individual random effects (link v21.0)

  • Von Bertalanffy model v23.0 with conspecific and heterospecific basal area, mean annual temperature, and mean annual precipitation fixed effects, and plot and individual random effects (link v23.0)


  • Fast transition - (link v1.0)

  • Ingrowth intercept - (link v2.0)

  • Ingrowth intercept with plot random effects on m (ingrowth rate) - (link v3.0)

  • Ingrowth with basal area fixed effects and plot random effects on m (ingrowth rate) - (link v4.0)

  • Ingrowth v4.0 but using the RESEF dataset - (link v4.1)

  • Version 4.0 with an additional parameter to account for immigration - (link v5.0)

  • Ingrowth where ingrowth rate m is affected by basal are of conspecific species (seed source) and mortality rate p affected by the total basal area - (link v6.0)

  • Version 4.0 but using the negative binomial instead of the possion distribution in the likelihood - (link v7.0)

  • Version 4.0 with zero inflated theta paramter - (link v8.0)

  • Version 5.0 with unimodal function to model the effect of BA_sp on m and negative exponential function to model the effect of BA_plot on p (link v10.0)