This function plots a specific time step landscape

plot_landscape(lands, step = NULL, Title = NULL, xaxis = FALSE,
  rmBorder = TRUE, rangeLimitOccup = NULL)



the object output from either the run_model or create_virtual_landscape or create_real_landscape functions


numeric, time step to be ploted. If NULL it will plot the initial landscape for a create_virtual_landscape/create_real_landscape object, and the last time step for a run_model object.


character, title of the landscape plot


logical, if TRUE it will add the x axis with the annual mean temperate values.


logical, if TRUE the four side borders will be removed of the plot. This option is available because the model do not calculate state prevalence in the borders.


numeric between 0 and 1 to define the minimum row occupancy of a state in the landscape. It will add a line in the plot for the boreal trailing edge and the temperate leading edge. See run_model for more details.


if (FALSE) { plot_landscape(lands = output, step = 100, Title = 'land at step 100') }