Willian Vieira PhD candidate
< + > Quantitative ecologist | I love to automate stuff
PhD. Candidate, Ecology
Integrative Ecology Lab - Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Current - 2017
- Developing demographic models to better understand how trees will face climate change
- Integral Projection Models | mathematical modeling | Hierachical models | Bayesian statistics | Quantitative thecniques
Masters 2, Agroecology and Resource Management
École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiquesde Bordeaux (BSA), Bordeaux, France
2016 - 2015
- Thesis: “Modelling the dispersion of weed species in agricultural landscapes”
- Process-based modelling | R | Sensitivity analysis
BSc in Agronomy
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil
2015 - 2010
Consulting Experience
Research Experience
Research visiting
National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and
Environment INRAe - EcoSystèmes et Sociétés En Montagne
Grenoble, France
- Collaboration on the mathematical formulation
of how forest management affect forest dynamics - Analytical analysis | Modelling | ShinyApp | R package
Master 2 internship
French National Institute for Agricultural Research(INRA - UMR 1347 Agroecologie)
Dijon, France
- Modelling weed dispersion in agricultural landscapes to improve the sustainable management of weeds
Undergraduate Researcher
Group of Research in Tropical forests(NPFT - Universidade Fedaral de Santa Catarina)
Florianópolis, Brazil
2015 - 2014
- Characterize the dynamics of tropical forest
- Data analysis | Statistics | R | data management | field work
Undergraduate Researcher
Laboratory of Plant Developmental Physiology and Genetics(LFDGV - Universidade Fedaral de Santa Catarina)
Florianópolis, Brazil
2014 - 2012
- Quantify the genetic diversity of tropical trees
- Lab work | PCR | microsatellites markers | genotyping
Teaching Experience
Biodiversity Modelling Summer School
Sherbrooke, CA
- Teaching assistant and lectured for graduate students
- Evaluating ecological models using Bayesian statistics
Methods in computational ecology
BIO500 - Départament de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, CA
2020 - 2019
- Teaching assistant and lectured for undergraduate students
- Tools for reproducible science | SQL | Git | R | LaTeX | Markdown | Makefile
Software and Data Carpentry workshop
Bios\(^2\) training for graduate students
- The Unix Shell
- Data Management with SQL for Ecologists
QCBS R Workshops
Université de Sherbrooke & Université du Québec à Rimouski
Sherbrooke & Rimouski, CA
2019 - 2018
- Instructor to graduate students
- Workshops: Introduction to R | Data management | Data Visualization | Control flow | Linear models
Probability and statistics
GCI145 - Faculté de génie, Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, CA
- Teaching assistant and lectured for undergraduate students
- Probability theory | Distribution | Descriptive statistics | Hypothesis testing | Linear models
Soil ecology
Départament de biologie - Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, CA
2018 - 2017
- Teaching assistant and lectured for undergraduate students
- Lab | Covered methods to determine soil texture
Modelisation de la dynamique forestier du Quebec face au changement climatique
Départament de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, CA
- Guest lecturer in Plant Ecology (Presentation) to undergraduate students
- Covered modelling approaches in ecology | model construction and applications
Introduction to scientific programming
BIO109 - Départament de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, CA
- Teaching assistant for undergraduate students
- Pogramming concepts | Data management | Control flow | R language
Data visualization and biodiversity modelling
Magog, CA
- Business intelligence | data user profiles | Conceptualize interactive dashboard | Figma
Mathematical Modelling in Ecology and Evolution
Workshop - Bios²
- Developing equations | Finding equilibria | analyzing stability | Maxima
Stage-based demographic models in ecology, evolution and conservation biology
NERC Advanced Training - University of Oxford
Oxford, UK
- Theory and practice | Matrix population models | Integral Projection Models
Biodiversity Modelling
Summer school - Université de Sherbrooke
Magog, CA
- Theory and practice on different biodiversity modelling techniques
- Statistics | Differential equations | Stochastic simulations | Climate change models | uncertainty tracking
Data-driven ecological synthesis
DDES summer school - Université de Montréal
Montréal, CA
- Good practices in scientific computing
- Data management | Mathematical tools | Data analysis tools | Parallel computing | Rreproducible science
Bayesian Statistics for Ecologists
Summer school - Université de Sherbrooke
Magog, CA
- Theory and practice using Stan | Probability theory | Likelihood | MCMC | Hierarchical modelling | Model comparison
Paying colonization credit with forest management could accelerate the range shift of temperate trees under climate change
- Vieira, W., Boulangeat, I., Brice, M., Bradley, R.L., Gravel, D.
Moderate disturbances accelerate forest transition dynamics under climate change in the temperate–boreal ecotone of eastern North America
- Brice, M.H., Vissault, S., Vieira, W., Gravel, D., Legendre, P., Fortin, M.J.
Selected Talks and Posters
Lab: {STManaged} R package
Biodiversity Modelling summer school
Magog, CA
- Demonstration of my R package to be used during the intensive course (Presentation)
Using Integral Projection Models to assess how Contemporary Niche Theory predicts trees range limits
British Ecological Society Annual Meeting
Belfast, UK
- (Poster)
The effect of forest management on forest distribution under climate change
QCBS annual symposium
Montréal, CA
Can forest management help increase the rate of forest migration northward to follow climate change?
European Geosciences Union General Assembly
Vienna, AT
- (Poster)