Retrieve new ads and keep me updated when new ads are found

This R package have three simple functionalities. From a specific search on Kijiji, it can (i) retrieve all ads and save it in a database to further exploration; (ii) retrieve new ads not present in the current database; and (iii) send a message with the new ads retrieved in the last step.

⚠️ Caution ⚠️

Kijiji does not have an API to retrieve new ads. It means this package relies on web based scrapping, which is not reliable on the long-term. Aware of that, I automated some GitHub actions to test the code every week and keep me updated of any possible bug 🐛


This package requires Python 3+ to be installed along with some Python packages, which can be installed with a standard shell on terminal:

# or pip3
pip install requests bs4 pyyaml

A R alternative to install Python packages is to use reticulate, which will require a virtual environment (more details here):

# install.packages('reticulate')
reticulate::py_install(c('requests', 'bs4', 'pyyaml'))

Once Python dependencies are solved, you can install the KijijiScraper R package from GitHub:


Quick start


## My request

  # the url got from a search on kijiji
  URL = ""

  # keywords to exclude from search
  excludeWords = c('recherche', 'recherché', 'échange', 'echange')

  # the number of pages it will search for ads
  pages = 3

  # file to save the ads (if `NULL` it will return an object list)
  File = "ads.json"

  # search to be saved in the `ads.json` file
  all_KijijiAds(URL, excludeWords, pages, File)

  # Once the database is built, get new ads not present in the `ads.json` file,
  # and update the `ads.json` with the new ads
  new_KijijiAds(URL, excludeWords, pages = 1, inputFile = 'ads.json', updateInput = TRUE)



The aim of this package was to learn about the reticulate R package, in which integrates R and Python. The Python scripts used here are inspired from the Kijiji-scraper Python project found here, thank you all for sharing! 💚